We're back, after a short hiatus, and ready for knit bloggin' .I've got blog-fulls of news to share with you, so pull up a comfy seat, and perhaps pop some popcorn because you may be here a while.
New Owner!
The Naked Sheep has a new owner. Lisa took over the store on August 12, and since then has really turned some things around (just keep reading). In honor of her aquisition the Sheep will be offering 15% off all regular priced items (excluding classes) for the entire month of September! Woo Hoo! Lisa is in the store weeknights and weekends, so pop by to meet the new owner of the Naked Sheep, and score some bargains while you're at it.
Is This a New Store?!
If you haven’t been into the store recently, I suggest you hurry on over to check out our amazing new look. The Sheep has been entirely rearranged into a bright and spacious fiber mecca! Shocked customer reactions so far have included…
· Stepping back outside to check the street number and sign
· Hysterical laughter
· Loss of speech
· Paralysis
…but don’t worry, these were only temporary reactions. In a few moments any extreme affects of shock seemed to fade away as the beautiful selection of new yarn came into view. Now here comes the most exciting part of all…the sheep’s shelves are currently overflowing with a stunning array of yarns brand new to the store. There are so many in fact that we could never fit them into a single blog post. For your continued readying pleasure, as well as to prevent any unfortunate sensory overload we’ll be slipping in posts about our favourite fall yarns over the next few weeks. That’s right folks, there are weeks worth of stunning new yarns in here, and more on the way as well.
Knit Night!
Everyone at the shop agrees that it is high time we invited all our loyal customers and friends out to share in some knitting fun with us. Beginning Spetember 3rd (thats tonight!), and running until the end of time (hopefully) we will be offering an evening of knit and fiber related fun. Knit nights will begin at 6:30, and go until "late" . We’d love to see you there!
New Classes!
The Sheep has a great line-up of classes for you this fall. Our September schedule is posted on our
website, and available in the store. We are offering 8 classes that are brand new to the sheep, and here's a preview...
- Baby surprise Jacket class
- Knitting Magic Loop socks
- Stashbuster Amigurumi (taught by yours truely)
- Toe-up socks with gusset heel
- Smart Knitters Finish First
If you are interested in these or any other classes just give us a call, or pop by for more info
Ravelry Group!
We're all adicted to it, and we think its high time that you were too. Ravelry is a great places to share knitting knowledge, so the Sheep has decided to set up shop (so to speak) on Ravelry. We'll be posting store news, and sharing pics with all members. Plus its a dead easy way to ask us questions (we're always on there anyway!)