The speaker was Laura Chau of cosmicpluto fame . She talked about her designs, how she started knitting, her weaving, spinning and teaching. Laura has come up with some awesome designs and wrote her own learn to knit socks book - which we carry in the store BTW:
Laura has accomplished so much in the knitting world and we wish her all the successes she deserves.
I posted on Ravelry that I am in a knitting slump and as you know knitters they came to the rescue with suggestions, encouragement and just plain understanding. Thank you! I guess I am feeling extremely overwhelmed with life in general, between two jobs, two kids who both play hockey, housework and trying to squeeze in 'me' time. Knitting seems to be a bit of a burden lately, as I don't have anything on the needles that is really juicy or all that interesting to me at the moment. I do hope with spring around the corner, that my knitting mojo comes back soon enough. I have been ordering a lot of spring and summer yarns so when they start to trickle in I have my fingers crossed that will do the trick to getting it all back!
Thanks for taking the time to listen/read.
Knit on!